Ophélie Usannaz-Joris
Bernhard Handick Bernhard Handick

Ophélie Usannaz-Joris

Wim Hof Method Weekend - Poland

It was a life changing experience for me which went way beyond my expectations. Absolutely everything was perfect: the instructors, the group, the accommodation, the weather, the activities, organisation and food. It was all paradise and I will do it again!

Katrin Simon
Bernhard Handick Bernhard Handick

Katrin Simon

Wim Hof Method Weekend - Netherlands

Mein 3. WH-Workshop in diesem Jahr, mit dem gleichen Instructor: braucht es mehr Worte? ;-)Und obwohl man denken könnte: gleicher Instructor, gleiche Methode, was soll schon kommen kann ich nur sagen: jede einzelne Minute an diesem besonderen Wochenende mit einem unglaublich klaren und gleichzeitig so herzlichen Menschen wie Bernhard bringt mich weiter und die Reise ist noch lange nicht zu Ende.

Wir sehen uns wieder, das ist sicher!

Die Location war ein Traum, denn wann kann man schon einmal das ganze Wochenende draußen in der wundervollen Natur verbringen? Atemsession frühmorgens in den Dünen ist nur eines der Highlights an diesem Wochenende gewesen.

Ich kann nur einmal mehr DANKE sagen, von Herzen.

Auf bald, Katrin

Sergii Gavryliuk
Bernhard Handick Bernhard Handick

Sergii Gavryliuk

Wim Hof Method Weekend - Poland

The weekend spent under Bernie’s guidance was truly an experience! The flow of energy and positive vibrations dominated every minute. Tons of knowledge and most importantly fun. I've been practicing the Wim Hof method by myself for some time and so I tried my first Wim Hof weekend. The difference is huge. I learned sooo much new information and discovered many new things thanks to Bernhard Handick and his companions Rafal and Andrea. I can only recommend

Laila Lopes
Bernhard Handick Bernhard Handick

Laila Lopes

Wim Hof Method Weekend - Netherlands

This weekend was all about feelings. Feeling time consciously. Feeling light. Feeling that a day, or two lived in full capacity can be very transformative and inspirational. Bernhard & Mike had a very warm personality opening the group with a big hug. The agenda was spontaneous ( love this part) and at the same time, all activities were structured. It feels good to be surprised. Just as life is.

Honestly, I would never think I could be immersed in ice. Growing up in Brazil that was definitely not a possibility

( or maybe something I ever thought about). But the ice was one piece of the experience (amazing definitely!) ,

it is 48 hours of travelling inside.

The explanations, the circle, the sharing, building a community, a group synergy - it was beautiful. My heart took me to the experience and I must say it came back fulfilled with love and power. Watching the sunrise together and patiently breathing waiting for a new day was also one of the highlights of this experience. Bernhard has an approach that emanates joy too!

Back home among all the feelings, insights and observations, I stayed with one thing in mind. Smiling is not a particularly complicated act: you feel happy emotions, the corns of your mouth turn up, your cheeks lift a little and your eyes crinkle. The face is dancing. The overall effect to the outside tells people you are happy. And it can become contagious positively.

That was what I brought with me at home – a genuine smile. Healing can also be a joyful journey.

I left this experience totally connected to my gut feelings & inner strength.

Thank you Berny, my heart is still smiling:)

Anne Passers
Bernhard Handick Bernhard Handick

Anne Passers

Wim Hof Method Travel - Poland

Meine dritte Wim Hof Reise mit Bernhard als Coach!

Jeder Tag ist anders und neu - langweilig wird es bestimmt auch bei der 10. Reise nicht:-)

Bernhard hilft einem raus aus dem Kopf und raus aus der Comfort Zone, denn "Feeling is understanding". Aber ohne seine gute Anleitung würde man diesen Weg nicht losgehen.

Ich bin sehr froh darüber die Wim Hof Methode entdeckt zu haben und schaffe es nun schrittweise Dinge in meinen Alltag zu integrieren.

Batteries fully recharged ❤️ thank you!
